December 13, 2023
Robotics! Coding! STEM!
Come see what it’s all about at the Peterstown PK-8 STEM Lab.
THURSDAY DEC. 14 from 4-6 PM

November 6, 2023
There will be an Open House at each school in Monroe County from 4-7 PM on Thursday, November 9th. We hope to see you there!

June 8, 2023
Please take advantage of these summer opportunities for Gear UP!

June 8, 2023
Please enroll your rising 8th grade student for Summer Gear up information.

April 14, 2023
Spring has Sprung in 7th grade. Students spent the morning starting some Radishes and Lima Beans. The seeds should sprout in 8 to 10 days.

April 14, 2023
Ms. Parker’s 8th grade language arts class just finished the novel, “The Adventures of Ulysses”. They were given 7 options to engage in a fun and interactive project to round out ...

August 17, 2022
Peterstown Celebrates New School
PETERSTOWN — After eight years of planning and a lot of hard work, a dream that is now a reality was celebrated Friday as the new Peterstown ...

August 17, 2022
Thank you Governor for joining us today!
From the Governor's social media:
Congratulations to all the Peterstown Pre-K through 8th-grade students who will start this year...